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tie dye fabric wet or dry

It just looked like any other batik. The fabric should be rinse throughly until the water runs clear of any dye. How To Reverse Tie Dye With Bleach Kara Metta Bleach Tie Dye Tutorial On the back of the quilt which was muslin the blue dye stayed in the muslin but only in the location of the Blue fabric on the front. . Since these were tea towels they were ran through the wash several times prior to using in the kitchen. So I tried the Dawn process and it did not remove all of the excess dye but weirdly enough the blue dye was mottled across the yellow fabric instead of being in the seam line like it was originally. From the sink we hung our wet fabric outside to dry prior to washing. This helps with tracking any drips throughout the house as you make your way to washing machine.